Subversion collaborative space SVN.CSM.ORNL.GOV


To access this collaborative space, you must have an XCAMS account (XCAMS is used across all collaborative spaces at ORNL).
More informationa about XCAMS, including how to create an account, can be found here:

Once you have an XCAMS account, you can:

Creation of a new project

Simply send an email to, including the following information:

Project Name
Repository Name (short string & no spaces)
Project Lead at ORNL
ORNL project Lead's email
ORNL project Lead's XCAMS ID
You can use the link above to send such an email.

Add a user to an existing project

To add a user to an existing project, simply ask your ORNL project Lead to send an email to, including the following information:

Repository Name
Project Lead at ORNL
You can use the link above to send such an email.

Contact Privacy